The story revolves around Adam (Kutcher) and Emma (Portman). They meet at summer camp when they are children, and then reunite as adults. Emma, being a surgeon, has no time for relationships and so makes a deal with Adam that they would have a no-strings-attached, friends-with-benefits sort of a relationship. What follows is a series of events which leads to (shocker!) them starting to have feelings for one another.
The plot of the movie is highly predictable. The dialogue is pretty good though. It will elicit a chuckle from you here and there. There aren’t any really corny scenes or dialogues. Decent performances are seen from both the leads. Yes, both. Even Kutcher doesn’t disappoint. Some say to the contrary, but that’s only because of a deep rooted hatred for Kutcher, himself. Not because he can’t act. The supporting cast, however, leaves something to be desired. On the whole, No Strings Attached is a nice but very forgettable movie. If you’re looking for an intelligent movie, that would baffle your mind, DO NOT watch this. However, if you’re looking for a movie that doesn’t require your full concentration to just pass some time or are a fan of romcoms, I’d say this is the one for you.